How to Buckle Up a Child in a Car Seat
Posted in: Rear-Facing Seats, UncategorizedHow tight do you need to make the straps? Why do they need to be snug?
How tight do you need to make the straps? Why do they need to be snug?
Rear-Facing Only Car Seats Rear-facing Only car seats (RFO’s) are optimized for newborns and infants.…
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Recommended Car Seats for Extended Rear-facing The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids stay…
How to Position a Newborn’s Head in the Car Seat Every new parent worries about…
Load legs keep rear-facing kids’ brain and spine safer by reducing the force on the child’s head and neck during a crash.
Always Buckle Baby! On this page: Add a header to begin generating the table of…
There seems to be a lot of confusion about rear-facing tethering… so here are a…
Rear-facing is 5 times safer than forward-facing