
>What does a 36 pound almost-3-year-old look like rear-facing???

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LOVE IT!!! Mom of the 2 kids above sent me this email: 

“My son is so happy with his new seat, and actually seems to be more comfortable in it. He fell asleep almost immediately after we left you (and he’s never been a kid who loves to sleep in the car).” 

FYI – Her son is 2y10m & 36lbs – and had been forward facing for a few months until she decided to get him a new seat with a 40lb rear-facing weight limit.  He is now riding in a Safety 1st Complete Air 65 (rear-facing to 40 pounds), and his younger sister is riding in his old Britax Marathon (rear-facing to 35 pounds).  

Curious about what kind of leg room he has?  The answer is not a lot.  He sits with his legs in “frog legged position” – but the important part is that HE IS COMFORTABLE (let me tell you, he has the verbal skills to tell you about everything else, he would definitely mention if he wasn’t comfortable).  

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