>To continue on our booster theme from last week, I thought I’d show two more common mistakes seen with booster seats. Many parents think that because boosters are so easy to use (no installation required) that there couldn’t possibly be a way to use them wrong. Unfortunately, many booster seats are used improperly (like the ones below).
This picture shows two girls riding in high-back belt-positioning boosters.
The mistake on the girl in the front is much more obvious than the one for the girl in the back.
Can you identify both mistakes?
For bonus points, what type of injury pattern might you see in the girl in the front – how about for the girl in the back?
Post your answers below – and I will post the correct answer on Tuesday.
(Note: The child in the front is not riding in the front seat – this is a vehicle with 3 rows of seats)
Please note: These photos were not staged. These photos were taken by real parents just like you who didn’t know that they were using the boosters improperly. 9 out of 10 car seats are used incorrectly – don’t let your child ride at risk. If you are in the NYC or Baltimore areas, email us at [email protected] to schedule a private car seat installation lesson – otherwise, visit www.seatcheck.org to find someone in your area to teach you how to install your seats properly.