The Optima was redesigned for 2016 and the Optima Hybrid redesigned for 2017. There is now a head restraint for 2C. In the 100% gasoline Optima’s, the head restraint for 2C is fixed and protrudes from the back of the vehicle seat. In the 2017 Hybrid the HR for 2C is adjustable & removable.
Starting in 2011, the Optima is available as a gas-electric hybrid. Starting in 2017, the Optima is available as a plug-in hybrid.
Optima EX has fixed HR for 2C – Plug In Hybrid has an adjustable, removable HR for 2C. Also available as a hybrid (since 2011) and plug in hybrid (since 2017).
All regular optimas (EX, LX, SX) 2016-2018 have FHR for 2C.
2018: S, EX, LX (all are regular Optima) have FHR for 2C
2017: Hybrid: all Adj Removable HR
2017: SX, EX, LX (all are regular Optimas) – FHR for 2C
2016-2018 SXL and LX: has FHR for 2C
2011-2015 – hybrid & reg are same – no 2C HR
The Optima was redesigned for 2011 – and strangely the head restraint for 2C was removed (not a good change)!
The head restraints for 2D/2P now do not protrude. They remain adjustable & removable.
For 2006, the head restraints were changed – they are still adjustable and removable, but now protrude more.
The seat belt buckles for all positions are on a longer piece of seat belt webbing than before – you may find the need to twist the buckle stalk (up to 3 full revolutions) to shorten it in order to get some car seats installed tightly – as shown here.
The Optima was first introduced in 2001. It had lower anchors in 2D/2P and tether anchors in all 3 positions. 2C has a shoulder belt and a head restraint.