Ford Taurus

2010-2018 Ford Taurus

The Taurus has 4 lower anchors that are all equally spaced (11 inches apart) – which means that the ones for 2D & 2P are both half way into 2C. The best use of the lower anchors in this vehicle is to install a car seat in 2C with the lower anchors as the lower anchors are properly aligned in 2C. If you need to install a car seat in 2D or 2P, use the vehicles’s seat belt and not the lower anchors.

2010 saw the introduction of a head restraint for the center seat. It is adjustable and removable. The head restraints for 2D & 2P are removable (push two buttons at the base of the head restraint) and for forward-facing car seats & high back boosters you’ll typically want to remove them as they protrude forward and otherwise interfere with the car seat or booster resting properly against the back of the vehicle seat. 


2008-2009 Ford Taurus

2008 saw the introduction of actual head restraints for the the side seats in back.

2001-2007 Ford Taurus

2001 saw the introduction of lower anchors for the Taurus.

2000 Ford Taurus

2000 saw the introduction of tether anchors for all 3 seating positions. 2000 also saw the introduction of a typical shoulder belt for the center seat – with a switchable retractor like all the other seats in back.

1996-1999 Ford Taurus

1996 saw the introduction of a shoulder belt for the center seat. It is not a typical shoulder belt – rather, it attached to the lap belt and could be detached as well. The lap belt had a locking latchplate. The shoulder belt had only an emergency locking retractor. This type of shoulder belt was found from 1996-1999.